Controls: WASD or Arrow Keys to move

The Marble Maze is a simple game of guiding the marble to the goal. When making this game, I got to continue experimenting with level design and finally got to include some basic code to have some movement involved. I want my levels to experiment with verticality but have the last level be more akin to a more traditional marble maze so I can try my hand at designing something that is more in line with what people would expect from a marble maze. I think having levels where the player can see the ball rise or fall in height creates some more interest to me even though I feel as a concept for a level it doesn’t quite work out I as hoped it would. The verticality let me create level compositions that were more visually interesting, but I found that challenge wise with the limitations of this assignment it was tough to create a challenging level without having actions like jumping. Nonetheless, I had fun with messing around with seeing how much I could push the overall look of the levels using just the basic shapes available to me.