Authors: Piper Wu, Xinyi Wang, John Kim 

Directions: Arrow Keys – directional inputs 

W, S – flip frying pan 

E - pick up egg, set egg

Our current first-person work in progress right now focuses on the goal of cooking an egg in the kitchen. The setup right now is that in the kitchen the frying pan and the egg are already set up so when the game starts the player has to just flip the egg and serve it at the right moment. There is still some movement as the player can move around but we just have our two main functions set: the movement of the player and the ability to flip the egg with the pan. The look that we want to go for in terms of gameplay is to flesh out the process of cooking the egg. We would like to continue expanding on the idea through being able to open up the refrigerator to get an egg and cook it. We don’t have the earlier sections of the process as of yet, but we plan on implementing those functions when we get to our polish pass. Once we do, the player should be able to walk through the entire process of cooking an egg.