Authors: Piper Wu, Xinyi Wang, John Kim


Arrow Keys – directional inputs

W, A, S, D – flip frying pan   

Left Mouse – Grab egg, Right Mouse - Serve egg

Space - Spawn new egg

The same egg game from before, now with updates and polish. We were satisfied with the foundation of our game, so we set off on making more elements to create a more concise experience. The gameplay loop is as follows: The task of the game is to fry four eggs in two minutes, and the player has to pick up the eggs when they're cooked, walk over to the table, and put them down. The scoring system counts how many eggs are on the table and ends the game.

We refined the loop so instead of just endlessly cooking eggs, it has a set end condition that the player has to meet. We also added other elements that we received from our first round of feedback ranging from adding a timer to utilizing the state of the egg as a way to have a scoring system. Various gameplay elements were improved as well, from the handling of the frying pan, being able to use other parts of the setting like using the plates to serve the eggs, to sound effects to create a more involved atmosphere. 

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I must say, the background music in the game has deeply captivated me; it makes the whole game more interesting and lively. I'm also a huge fan of the art style and setting in this game—it's incredibly creative. However, I have to mention that I had trouble putting down the adorable egg during my gameplay. I could only walk around holding the egg, maybe I could sneakily eat the egg!

Wow Im A admin of a Game and This is Really Fun 100000000000000/10

(1 edit)

I love this game a lot lol. When I started learning how to make games in GMS2 I made a game about an egg so it was super fun to play this haha. I love the aesthetic of this game as well as the UI and art that was made. I would definitely add an interactable in the future to make it more clear for the player what they can and can't interact with.

I'd also like to add that my instinct to play the game was by using WASD to move the player, and that it feels a bit awkward using WASD and the arrow keys at the same time. If you were to further improve the game I would maybe consider rebinding the keys, maybe W to move forward and using the mouse to direct yourself around the game, with A,S,E, mouse inputs to flip the egg and interacting with items, etc. I feel as though it would feel a lot more natural to play, as that is generally how a lot of games work. It would make it more user friendly. I love the concept of the game though !

I had a blast playing this game! The humor injected into the mundane task of cooking eggs really adds a unique charm. However, I did find the controls a bit tricky, especially when juggling between the keyboard and mouse. The aesthetics are spot-on, creating a cute and calming atmosphere.

I am not entirely sure if this was the intention behind this game, but I think the idea behind it is very humorous. If I were to suggest more to do from an art direction angle, I would say to try to see how absurd you could make it. Maybe add a coffee portion where you have to keep the hand stead as it serves coffee. Maybe there is a character sitting at the table waiting to be served and you have to make sure you don't drop the egg on him or pour hot coffee on him. 

From a mechanical perspective, I think the controls need to be simplified or streamlined because as of right now you basically would need a third hand to play the game in a fluid manner as you jump one hand from keyboard to mouse and back and forth. Maybe keep the controls all on the left side of the keyboard?  W,A,S,D to move, E to interact, R to rotate/flip? I'm sure there are many ways to do it, but yea I think a simplified control system would help a  lot. I also noticed that some of the current move input can push the player outside of the kitchen environment so maybe some invisible walls are in need and adjustments to the players rigid body. Overall a fun idea!

Thanks for the feedback!

I like the small details of this game, even the egg slowly changing color just makes everything feel more complete and well thought out. I did struggle using the controls as I am using a trackpad not a external mouse. For trackpad users it might be easier to use WASD and then arrow keys for the pan flipping? I think overall this was a unique concept, great stuff!

Thanks for the feedback!

I think you did a great job on the aesthetic. The colors of the space and the overall vibe of the music lend themselves well to the comedy and absurd realism of the concept.

I would've liked to see more options on the egg dish (omelet, scrambled...) with a more unique/precise cooking approach to each to gamify the process a little more and add more excitement to this peaceful slice of life setting.

Thanks for the feedback!

I like the cute and calming aesthetic + music. The goal of the game is also cute and simple. 

However it's very hard to control (might be because I'm using a trackpad not a mouse?). I can move with arrow keys but sometime will stuck in a direction and go infinitely even without me pressing any key. Hard to grab and serve egg,  and even harder to aim the egg to the plate. But I can stack up eggs in the frying pan into an egg tower!

Thanks for the feedback!