Devlog 1

Author of documentation: John Kim

Overview: The player is tasked with completing 3 puzzles in the form of certain game states that the player must win. The games that are presented though are set up in a way where the player is guaranteed to lose no matter what. Players must get creative with objects in real life, bring them into the games and use said outside elements to “break” the puzzles to achieve victory. Solve the 3 puzzles, and the way to victory will open.

When coming up with this idea, I originally was struggling to create an idea that I wanted to pursue. I mulled over thoughts that passed by in my mind until I was sitting in my home eating something one day. The game War suddenly occurred to me in my head and was thinking about it. I’m not sure as to what prompted it but as I was eating I was looking at the cereal box in front of me and thought, “it would be pretty funny to sic someone in a game of War using the power of nutrition.”

In making the game, I started off with establishing some of the foundation first so that I can focus on the development of the gameflow and the puzzles. I made an extremely basic scene using just basic shapes, and in the first version of this game faked some of the mechanics for demonstration purposes. Going into the future, these will be reworked to operate as intended but for now the main goal as of the prototypes is to have the progression created so feedback can be received.


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