Devlog 2

Author of documentation: John Kim

Devlog 2:

The first steps toward making this game started off extremely simple as I first started building this off of the primitive War example I built to showcase my concept. Due to being constrained for time for a long while, I had to take some shortcuts for demonstration purposes, letting the part of the player walking around the overworld suffer a bit as I focused on getting the games to be built to some meager degree.

Feedback 1: 

Fortunately, through whatever playtesting I was able to muster the concept was understood by my playtesters. It was the lack of time in developing the foundation that was setting me back at this point in time, so it was imperative that I have the foundation set before I can begin to add detail and polish to this game. Not much to write here since the demo I brought to this session was bunged up and barely worked. It was enough to show my idea, but not enough for the idea to play itself out.

Get Playing Games... - Final Project