Devlog 3/Post-mortem

Author of documentation: John Kim

Feedback 2: 

This feedback session went better as I was able to show something that more closely reflects my vision for the game. I was able to show some loops in being able to enter and exit each game, along with having the player walk to each area. The main things I got from feedback are to finish things up, try and add polish wherever possible, and focus on bringing together the complete gameplay loop.

Devlog 3:

The first task at hand was to tackle the visuals since those will dictate what I need to code after that. I spent time brushing up each room, adding a window in almost all of the rooms to tease the player with the end goal of being able to leave the house. From there, I was able to re-add the escape room ending that I thought was going to be cut in the final version as I was able to integrate it into the flow of the game.

The tasks I needed to do regarding coding and tying the game together were set by what visuals I had placed and what I needed to do to bring everything together. I was worried about some components being more trouble than I thought, but I was able to think of various solutions to trim down the amount of things I needed to code. I was also able to set up a proper GameManager to deal with keeping track of the win conditions of the game. In the end, thanks to taking things one step at a time, I was able to create some solutions, probably not the most fool-proof solutions, and was able to create the flow of the game.

Post-mortem notes:


  • Constructing this project to the end, was able to include ideas that I was worried that had to be cut to save on time
  • Crafting minigames/overworld and stringing it all together into a cohesive


  • Wasn’t able to be more expansive with solutions, had to dumb things down to save on time
  • More airtight checks to ensure that player couldn’t cheese out certain segments
  • Game Manager worked in editor but not properly in build – the game is still beatable by winning in either board game 3 or more times over, then walking into the door scene


  • Keeping things simple – I initially lost time/worried about some coding segments but by simplifying things down it became much more manageable


  • Comb through cut content and implement them in a potential future patch  

Get Playing Games... - Final Project