
A, D, Left and Right Arrow Keys - Move Jim

Left Click - On objects, collect them for use

Right Click - Spawn objects

As the player, help Jim out here. He's been doing nothing but playing games on various work computers but they all seem to be rigged against him. Maybe lend him a hand on winning these games, and in the case you keep losing maybe look around to see if there's something that can help you out.  

Devlogs talk about creation process and postmortem thoughts.


Production: John Kim

Background Music: Real Chill Beat, Seth_Makes_Sounds - 

Freesound - Real Chill Beat by Seth_Makes_Sounds

Walking sfx: IENBA - 

Freesound - Generic Footsteps by IENBA

Video Game sfx: 8- bit Game Sounds by lyd4tuna - 

Freesound - 8 bit game sounds.wav by lyd4tuna

Win/lose sfx: Troy's Game Coin by T_roy_920 - 

Freesound - Troy's game coin.wav by T_roy_920

Hey you read this to the end! Did you know that Jim likes playing board games, and also if he wins he likes to play over and over again? Something may happen if you indulge him...


Final Project Windows 34 MB

Development log


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I really like this game, especially the fact that I can cheat within it, which is a fascinating mechanic. I think it's going to inspire me. I'm looking forward to the game being extended so I can fully appreciate the benefits of cheating! It gives someone who always loses in games a chance to win for once!

Very cute visual and concept! At first I thought it's like the Sims like I have a character to control in a daily life environment. But by the time I realized how I can cheat in the game it really gets me exciting. It will be nice to have more instructions to both the big game and the little games inside the big game.

Your game is too cute! Hahahahahaha. The idea of cheating as a player of a computer game using real world items is great!

If I were you I would probably switch art styles between the player being in the computer and the real world. A geometry for the main one can be utilized for real world photos!

Like I already told you, I think you have such a clever concept with so much potential. I wish the cheat objects were imbued with a little more comedy, maybe the ways I could cheat at the game become more and more ridiculous with each game. I think it would also be interesting to further dive into how the pieces from one game could be used to dominate another.

Really cute game, I love the idea! I think the sounds effects used in this game are well thought out and I like the attention to detail with the footsteps . Music felt very relaxing too.  One thing which was a little fiddly at points was picking up objects. I feel like sometimes I had to be very close to it. If I hadn't seen it played in class I also don't know if I would have known that I could interact with it. Perhaps a little floating icon above it (or specifically for the first one) would help the player out a little more. 

Love the game idea and it's all super neat. I think definitely making it more clear that there are things around you in the house that you can use to win the mini games (I sat there for a while confused on how to win, only to find out that you can't win during class). 

I think you should definitely keep expanding on this game, even adding a computer where you can pick what type of game to play would be fun. 

I think it would be beneficial to force the players into a tutorial at the start so they understand what is going on/what they have to do. I feel like you could really delve into the narrative with a tutorial and mess with the player.

I thought the concept was fantastic, and I really enjoyed how the door to new games was unlocked at the end. The graphics were very Windows XP, which went along great with the aesthetic and history of the games.  I concur with the feedback you received in class—that, ideally, you should collect items using the same key to maintain consistency.

i enjoyed playing this game during the playtest and I think the idea behind it is funny. This was mentioned during class, but I think it would be cool to differentiate between the player and controlling Jim a bit more. As if you are more like a phantom influencing positive outcomes in Jim's gameplay. Maybe the controls could be more limited to a simple point and click? I also think that showing the pieces that allow Jim to win the game while he is playing on the side would be a great visual addition. Fun and funny idea, I hope you get to expand upon it more.

I like your game trailer and the ability to move between rooms to play new games.

It could be helpful to add a little game story at the beginning so that players know what they're supposed to do. It was hard to understand whether I was supposed to win the games or not, and what my ultimate goal in the game was. Perhaps also having a response that shows a player has successfully proceeded in the game, even some kind of "Next Game!" or confetti pop up. 

Also, this might be because I'm not used to gaming so much, but having a title screen or instruction at the beginning of each game instructing players how they should interact with the game items.